IT Training within the teaching of clinical skills
                           Stephen Morris
      The IT training initiative provides a timely boost to the
      use of IT by clinicians and academics within medical
      schools.  Most of the currently available training material
      focuses on the needs of the business community.  On the
      positive side a certain amount is available for the general
      academic however there is a dearth of suitable material for
      the practicing clinician.
      Our project aims to redress this balance in several broad
      areas (see below) not only in course content but in its
      1. Use of Library systems for MEDLINE literature search.
      2. Use of the LIBERTAS library cataloging system
      3. To develop design and operational skills for the
      production of display graphics for clinical science.
      4. Use of Word Perfect as a scientific W.P package
      5. Use of the Joint Academic Network (JANET)
      6. Using E-Mail as a collaborative publication tool
      involving more than one institution
      7. Use of Authoring systems to provide clinical training
      To assist us in our task we will collaborate closely with
      other departments with skills relevant to particular subject
      areas, such as the Library, Department of Medical
      Illustration, Department of Medical Informatics and the
      Department of Medical Education.
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