by  Fred Riley, University of Hull 
 This work is concerned with the development of small-scale multimedia
 courseware at a  single site which is intended for off-site distribution.
 (By small-scale is meant the creation  of courseware by one or a few people
 at a single site, rather than the 'size' of the  courseware.) It is
 primarily written for developers and would-be developers of academic
 courseware in the UK Higher Education sector, although the concepts within
 will be  applicable to readers working outside this sector.  
 The first part of the book discusses the pros and cons of multimedia and
 hypermedia and  considers issues relating to courseware content. Then,
 drawing heavily on software  engineering concepts and the author's
 experience of courseware development, a model of  courseware development,
 from initial concepts to product delivery, is proposed. The book  is an
 attempt to impart generic guidelines of software development that can be
 adopted  and/or adapted by developers and would-be developers of academic
 courseware,  regardless of hardware platforms or software environments. The
 emphasis throughout is  upon professionalism and the development of quality

Price:-UKHE   8.50
       Non UKHE   8.50 plus p&p


	The product is obtainable from:-

       	Mrs Jean Burgan
        Ingram House
	65 Wilkinson Street
	University of Sheffield
	S10 2GJ	

	Tel:	0114 272 5248
	Fax:	0114 272 8705
	Email:	j.burgan@sheffield.ac.uk
