Supporting Learning Technology in Higher Education

J A Longstaffe, K D Whittlestone, J D Edwards J Williams and P M Hammond
Educational Technology Service, University of Bristol

A handbook of  strategies on the formation and running of a unit to support the
adoption of learning technology by a research orientated university.

This handbook sets out to share the experiences and wisdom accumulated during
the first four years of operation of a support service for learning technology in an 
established metropolitan university.  It has also been informed by four previous
 years experience of learning technology related projects.  

It covers the structure, function, management and financing of the Service as
well as academic, political, management and other strategies which have been 
useful in its inception and running. 
Many of these ideas and strategies are generic in nature and could equally well
work in other institutions.  It is our hope that readers will find the book and the
model it contains useful in promoting educational technology in their own institutions.

"Any institution wishing to set up similar services would be well advised to use
 this handbook as a reference and guide"
Brian Shields, Co-ordinator, ITTI.

"You and your staff are to be congratulated on producing a very valuable handbook.......there is 
so much basic information in the text that it makes a valuable resource for use in other 
institutions, particularly those Universities who are contemplating moving into CBL"

Keith Duguid, Director, Department of Medical  Illustration University of Aberdeen.

Price:-  UKHE  10.00
         Non UKHE 10.00  plus p&p


	The product is obtainable from:-

       	Mrs Jean Burgan
        Ingram House
	65 Wilkinson Street
	University of Sheffield
	S10 2GJ	

	Tel:	0114 272 5248
	Fax:	0114 272 8705