Learning Materials Application Profile Domain List
Version: 1.0 Final, 29 Jan 2008, current.
Replaces draft 1.1
Author: Phil Barker <philb@icbl.hw.ac.uk>
Preamble: about the project
The Learning Materials Application Profile (LMAP) scoping study is investigating metadata application profile requirements for learning materials in relation to digital repositories. The premise of the study that "learning materials" encompass a wide range of resource types each with its own special metadata requirements. Furthermore, factors relating to actions on the resources (e.g. preservation, ensuring accessibility, rights management) will bring their own metadata requirements. We refer to the metadata requirements relating to each of these resource type or activity factors as domain issues. The LMAP scoping study will synthesize and analyse the advice that is currently available to managers of repositories of educational materials who need to define a metadata element set to describe those materials. The synthesis will involve asking experts (e.g. JISC advisory services) from each of the domains for their advice. For more information see the project website at http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/lmap/.
Purpose of this document
The aims here are to come to an agreed list of domains, describe those domains, and identify informants for the synthesis.
If you think I have missed anything or have any other comments please contact me: Phil Barker <philb@icbl.hw.ac.uk>
Domains relating to activities
- General resource discovery
- Covers general descriptive metadata applicable any resource, e.g. title, description, subject. Typical formal metadata schemas are Dublin Core and MARC; folksonomy or tagging approaches are also examples.
Informants: UKOLN, Intute, representatives of library community. - Education metadata
- Metadata to aid resource discovery and selection for educational use, e.g. description of intended learning outcome and level of difficulty, descriptions of the educational context for which a resource was designed or in which a resource has been used, and, in the case of resources such as learning designs, the educational use that the resource describes. Typical examples are IEEE LOM, course description schema and pedagogic vocabularies.
Informants: CETIS (MDR, EC, Pedagogy, ...), representatives of Jisc Pedagogy community, DC-Education Community - Accessibility metadata
- Metadata that can be used to describe a resource's accessibility and it ability to match a learners preferences. Examples include IMS AccessForAll Meta-data and ISO Access For All Digital Resource Description.
Informants: CETIS (Accessibilty), TechDis - Digital rights metadata
- Information about the terms and conditions under which are resource may be used. Typified by ODRM, XrML.
Informants: Find suitable informant via JISC IP Rights in eLearning Group, Jorum DRM Watch activity . . . - Curation / preservation metadata
- Metadata that is used to assist in ensuring that digital resources remain available and readable over a period of time. Examples include METS and PREMIS.
Informants: DCC, Jorum Preservation Watch. - Collection management metadata
- Administrative metadata required for managing the collection of objects in a repository, for example the reviewing the suitability of the content for dissemination.
Informants: Jorum? Intute? RSP - "Attention Metadata" and ratings
- Information directly or implicitly relating to the value of a resource to end users, which can be used for recommendation systems. This may be as simple as the number of times a resource has been downloaded, the number of links to a webpage; also includes reviews and ratings of the resource.
Informants: find suitable JISC or other project? CETIS MDR SIG. - Scholarly communications
- Metadata specific to the citation of scholarly works, e.g. conference proceedings and journal publications, to facilitate the use of these resources in teaching and learning. Examples include the Scholarly Works Application Profile, PRISM and OpenURL (for citations journal citations).
Informants: UKOLN, SWAP, . . . - Assessment metadata
- Metadata specific to the description of assessment items, questions and tests, for example the LOM application profile and other metadata in IMS QTI 2.x
Informants: CETIS (Assessment). - Complex object metadata
- Metadata specific to the description and management of complex or compound objects which comprise several resources of different types. Examples include elements of IMS Content Packaging, METS, DIDL, OAI-ORE.
Informants: CETIS (EC), UKOLN, RRT, UK rep on OAI-ORE. - Image metadata
- Metadata specific to still images, for example photographs, line drawings, vector and bit-mapped graphics. Example metadata schema include Image application profile and MIX.
Informants: TASI, Image AP project. - Moving image metadata
- Metadata specific to moving images, video and animations. Examples include JISC sponsored application profile on time dependant media.
Informants: TASI, Time dependant media AP project. - Geo-spatial metadata
- Metadata relating to geographic location e.g. GIS metadata.
Informants: Edina / Go-Geo project. - Technical metadata
- Metadata describing the technical features and requirements of a resource. Much of this will be covered under metadata requirements of the specific resource types or activities (e.g. the pixel information of bit-mapped images) however it will be useful to collate this under one heading and consider whether there are any gaps.
- Personal / organizational data
- Information about people and organizations relevant to their role in the creation and use of educational resources, for example as the author of a resource. It is hoped that this will emerge from consideration of the metadata requirements of the resources and activities described above. Example schema include vCard and foaf and elements of many other schema.