Use VDEX Vocabulary for Other LOM Elements

The steps involved can be summarised as follows:

  1. Select a vocabulary source for each LOM Source element that has a vocabulary, e.g. General/Structure/Source element. The vocabulary sources are VDEX files stored under the ./helpers/md/vdexVocab folder. The default source is the LOM v1.0. The values displayed in the combo box are either vocabulary names or identifiers, depending on what was provided in the VDEX file.

  2. Structure Source
    Figure 1: LOM General/Structure/Source Values

  3. When the default LOM v1.0 source is selected the values for the LOM Value element are picked up from the vocabulary helper file which is under the ./helpers/md/vocab folder. When a VDEX file is choosen as the source, the values are picked up from the Term/Caption elements. The values are then displayed in a combo box besides the Value element on the Form View.

  4. Structure Value
    Figure 2: LOM General/Structure/Value Values

  5. You can also do the same from the Full View.

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