About this website
This page gives information about what's on this website, how to use it (including accessibility features), the terms of use, who created it and how.
What's on this website
This website describes ICBL and provides information about its activities. Most of the work done at ICBL is done as externally funded projects, and typically these projects will have their own websites, separate to this one. Therefore this website is quite concise, comprising pages describing the people, projects and publications associated with ICBL as well as this page and the home page.
How to use this website
This website has been designed to be usable by any browser. Each page has a menu which provides navigation to other parts of the website and to the main sections of that page.
Accessibility features
It should be possible to increase the size of all text on this website, and to change the layout of the pages using user-defined style sheets (or no style sheet).
There are site- and page navigation menus at the start of each page, there is a link (which is normally invisible) at the start of each menu to allow people using screen readers to skip it.
The follow access keys should be available on every page:
- Home page: h
- Top of page: t
- Navigation menu: m
Terms of use
Disclaimer of liability
Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in these pages, the Institute for Computer Based Learning wishes to emphasise that the contents contained within this area are reviewed and are naturally subject to change from time to time.
The Institute for Computer Based Learning also gives notice that it will not accept liability for the contents of these pages.
The contents of this website, the XHTML markup and the CSS style sheets are copyright Heriot-Watt University, 2004.
We welcome links to any part of this website, or to any part of any project website at ICBL unless there is a clear instruction otherwise. We do not take part in link exchange schemes.
This site was created by Phil Barker, using HTML-kit and a text editor. The pages are coded as XHTML 1.0-Strict and CSS compliant, which have been validated using the W3C validators and tested with Mozilla, Opera and Internet Explorer browsers on a PC. I hope they comply with the W3C WAI guidelines at around level 2 or 3, though it is hard to be sure.
Reporting problems
If you encounter any problems with this website please email Phil Barker.