Publication download page

Title: The "repository ecology" approach to describing cross-search aggregation service management.
Authors: Phil Barker and Malcolm Moffat
Date: 2007-09
Description: We use the ecology metaphor to describe and explore issues raised through a project (PerX) that developed a pilot service providing resource discovery across a series of repositories of interest to the engineering learning and teaching communities. Presented at ECDL 2007 workshop on "Towards a European repository ecology", Budapest 21 Sept 2007.
Download: Position paper for the ECDL workshop: HTML; MS Word doc (404kB).
Download: Diagram of the interactions in the "cross search habitat" as a MS Visio file (309kB); as a PNG file (64kB), or developed as PowerPoint presentation (2666kB) (also available at SlideShare)

Maintained by Phil Barker
Last modified: 23 August 2007.